James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Michael-R-Maynard/926920167356641 [ Page Removed ]
1 message

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 11:42 PM
To: "Michael R. Maynard : Client Advocate of James Driskill" <mmaynard@fapinfo.org>

Dear Mr. Maynard,


You know that I could have left the review and comment thread open to the public on Facebook.  Most likely you would not have noticed it for many months. 

This is assuming you perform your own name searches time to time, you would not have known that page existed.  Right? 

So maybe you could thank me for alerting you to the presence of the page, respect and honor me by having took my review and comment thread into your mind's view before you removed it from Facebook.  Did you? 

You remain silent, perhaps you will answer this comment stream in our meeting?  I provided you a printout copy of that content last week --- without a transmittal record.

That page is now deleted from Facebook.com but it is indeed archived to:

This is a fact.  There is absolutely nothing illegal by this action of mine.  The content that is stored on my domains is web surface indexed and searchable.

Now, you could ask me to remove the content from my web domains. The information society works this way. 

You had a review placed onto your Facebook business page, I archived my review and contents affixed to hold it's web presence open so you realize what is here on the web has permanence if one requires that function. [ I require it ].

The facts Are: I indeed did place that review and content onto your business listing page that you choose to remove in an abrupt and immediate action  of non-involvements of that particular function of Facebook, only because I informed you of it's presence.

The web is assuming transparency is the rule of default in business operations, can't you see that? 

You might think how that reflects onto the information society. 

What was once a review has been deleted and not "processed" into a concern or response to this client's review. 

You think it is right to just remain there silent? .There is an erosion of trust that has occurred without a response from you generated and given back to me.  That erosion of trust is outside of assimed morality and transparency.

Just because we have an interpersonal relationship of client / provider and does not mean we can't interact on the informational society.  No, it does not mean we separate unity.

By having a copy of the review thread contents on my domains, you have lost control of that content.  It is under my control and direction and choice whether or not I oblige a request of content removal from you.

 I prefer to have content removal requests in writing.

They should be directed to:

I have done nothing illegal by archiving the contents from facebook.com to my domains.  This is an actual fact of our information society presence of archived data that is lost by deletion. 

What is important here is that I know that my domain "functions" to cause a emotional binding to the contents archived and the communication channel just provided to you, an email address. 

This in affect taking a "back step" maybe something here needs to be addressed which can't be just ignored.

In the future, there will be more objects onto the information society that I can indeed comment onto.. 

I will do just that if we have not found understanding and reconciliation of these matters.  I will not tell you about the affixed comments next time.  They will be left to the public to encounter their message.

It will be your responsibility to go seek and find them constantly, as a matter of "maintenance" forever of holding silence instead of transparency in your work professional presence.

The same thing that TedMed talk mentions, What Doctor's Will Not Disclose, you are caught  in this same moral dilemma pf non-disclosure paradigm. 

You will always have to watch over your back of information tracked on the web. 

Is that really the way you want to live information society life to the end of time?

It would be better to move to a different placement foundation of trust, don't you think?  Hold apparent that I am calling for this paradigm shift of understanding and relations of interpersonal relationship shift that must proceed to unite peace building efforts here.  We can't separate our conscience from these circumstances and claim non-importance, non-involvements, hippa rules or any other coy and nonsense responses to sit there and remain silent.

It is not of conscience to let this moment pass into an oblivion.


This is an emoji character I represent as the oblivion that occurs in interpersonal relationships of all kinds.

I will leave you with the SCAN CODE URL to link to a short audio lesson#2 at the Awesome Kramobone Playroom School, an adult consensual practices school of thought and action.  

You are stuck in a binding presence of mpatapo and how to untie these bindings back to freedom reflects that I am a school and there are information society lessons that I am offering you here in this email.  Perhaps you will take into consideration and do something right of returned cause and action back upon me --- for a change.


Did you inform the proper notification federal authorities to the hippa privacy involvement violations that are implied that I had reported to you?  This is backed up on Glassdoor Reviews.  These facts were given to you by my verbal comments I made during my signing of your privacy agreement in our contract I have with Foothill Aids Project.  Do you remember that?

I made the claim in my report to you that Colorado Health Network in particular Jamie Villalobos was the offending party. 

How can you not receive my correspondences and documented life events record into your perspective of evidences?  How can you just leave this in a silent non-action motion and leave that stated intention you made to me unfulfilled? 

That results to a stated intention oblivion.  You insult my intelligence.

If you have the courage to talk with me advise on what can be done here.  There are so many violations of trust already that has occurred with Foothill Aids Project that you have to give me a response for.  You can't just leave this conclusive writing unanswered.

Thank you for reading.

James Martin Driskill